put say We will now sing 'The Eternal Sacrifice', a song of Peri'el's choice by Lethargy Silkyfingers. put chorus Lone,;brave,;wounded,;bound. pause 13 put chorus Eternity beneath the ground.;Fettered in the fetid gloom,;to Elanthia's somnolent Doom. pause 13 put chorus When world was young and Thirteen's pride,;to better it, Immortals vied.;Tamsine wept to see the place;where mortal hearth and home would grace,;and Phelim took Her crystal tears;to light the night and banish fears. pause 25 put chorus Then Kertigen, with craft and might,;forged four moons to bless the night.;'Twas not His fault He wrought so well,;that within Grazhir's iron shell;was formed a Wyrm, first of Its kind,;born of flame and fertile mind. pause 25 put chorus The Dragon's birth burst moon asunder,;drowning world in sudden thunder!;Conceived at forge's fiery core,;the frigid night was grievous sore! pause 18 put chorus In pain, in rage, with power fierce-;as Grazhir's shards Elanthia pierced-;Creation's end the Dragon sought,;and to prevent it, Immortals fought. pause 18 put chorus In merciless flame, the world was bathed,;and even gods were not unscathed.;Peri'el, in sacrifice,;was not afraid to pay the price, pause 18 put chorus for though She could not ever die,;She suffered withered leg and eye!;And, wounded, the Wyrm sped in flight,;hurt'ling through the war-torn night. pause 18 put chorus Its frenzied plunging dive It bore;into Elanthia's molten core,;where lava's passionate caress,;succored Wyrm's battle-distress. pause 18 put chorus And Peri'el, so fierce in war,;ne'er faltered, pain ignored,;demanding gruff Truffenyi's aid;to Dragon's side, Her passage made. pause 18 put chorus And there, by lava's crimson glow,;She watched Immortals' greatest foe-;restless as Its wounds were healed,;like molten metal, fresh-annealed. pause 18 put chorus And though despair rose in Her soul,;Her mind was focused on the goal:;If Gods' extremest force had failed,;could any action yet prevail? pause 18 put chorus She watched, absorbed, as It lay curled,;bathed in heart's blood of the world,;when image kindled in her mind-;a mother's actions, loving, kind, pause 18 put chorus To bring solace to restless child-;and hope, unhoped for, bursting wild!;Then intuition guided choice,;and Peri'el raised up Her voice... pause 18 put chorus ' I gladly sing a charm of fire,; of flames that soothe, not burn with ire,; and lift the spirit ever higher,; like majestic, climbing spire,; or raging whirlwind's frantic gyre,; which never seems to wane or tire.' pause 24 put chorus ' I challenge none with threat so dire-; instead, bring all to dream's desire,; where lilting tones might dare inspire; a sky of blue, like pure sapphire,; through which to speed, a fearless flier; with the wind your helpful squire.' pause 25 put chorus ' For in mind's fierce and tangled briar,; can be found the World entire.; So when, to slumber, we retire,; (amidst the sounds of gentle choir); we find us free of all quagmire,; enthralled in dreams, true joy's supplier...' pause 24 put chorus As ebbed Elanthia's wounded screams,;Phelim ranged the land of dreams;and saw the Dragon nestled small,;in slumber twined into a ball, pause 18 put chorus and at the edge of wakefulness,;Peri'el (with song's caress);bidding It to stay asleep;in comfort in the molten deep. pause 18 put chorus Realizing It could not be slain,;Phelim saw the answer plain:;He filled a sack with sleeping sands;and laid it in Peri'el's hands. pause 18 put chorus His hopeful look was clear to ask;if She'd accept the painful task:;to spin out poem, and song, and tale;'til time itself began to fail. put chorus And to this day, the Goddess sings;of sleep, and quiet, peaceful things.;Fettered in the fetid gloom;to our world's somnolent Doom.;Eternity beneath the ground ... pause 20 put chorus Bound.;Wounded.;Brave.;Alone. pause 10 put act's group chants in a sonorous whisper, "All praise Peri'el"