An Ominous Vision
(Crossing, Zoluren: 67 Ka’len 359)
Recently–it seems but a day past, though I know ’twas longer–I went with Mentor Praise and a group of other clerics to Damaris’ Pool near Kaerna. While immersed in the ritual bath, several of us had sinister visions. I confess I did not understand my brothers’ and sisters’ broken words; all I could learn from them was that the visions were terrifying.
As I lay back in the back, I was swept away by a vision of my own.
I saw a raven-haired, white-skinned woman, bearing a bloody sword. She was gazing at a city being consumed by volcanic fire and ash.
I have discussed this vision with several other clerics, but I have learned nothing, and they are at a loss as to explain it. In truth, I do not know if this vision is of the past or of the future.