The Bridge Is Back!
(Crossing, Zoluren: Shorka 361)
Just a few days ago the bridge was still in ruins and those who wanted to travel to the other side had to take the long route around.
But as of a about two days ago while at the North East gate of crossing my eyes caught a most amusing title. That of Special Engineer Rasuel. Rasuel was a commissioned to rebuild the Longbow Bridge and needed help finding the way there. After I took her there (along with a few other people to help rebuild the bridge) the bridge had begun to be rebuilt.
After much hard work on the part of many of the residents of Crossing the bridge was built and now is able to be transversed.
While it seems that this newly rebuilt bridge will add to the morale of the City (in times when morale is dropping due to Lord Sorrow and The Wicked One), it is not the only thing done on this eve. After the bridge was rebuilt Lord Sirolarn (soon to be coronated to be the prince of Zoluren) met with some clerics at the ruined temple and after a heated debate signed a document promising that he will try his best to get the temple rebuilt as soon as he can. He wrote:
“I, Sirolarn, not yet Crowned Prince of Zoluren, do hereby swear on my faith, to all my fellow Clerics, that I will do my utmost as a Cleric and as a future Prince to obtain for them a new place of worship here on the grounds of this sadly battered temple. I will work with or against, as the case may be, the Council of The Crossing and restore the temple to a state beyond its former glory. All I ask of them is time. It will come, I swear it on my own life.~~Sirolarn Tirof-Sorvendig~~”
To many this promise brings new hope for the rule of Sirolarn and what he is ready to do for those who reside in his providence. But for now all we can do is wait and hope all goes the way it should.