Site of the Month Award to EWJ
(The Three Provinces: Akroeg 353)
The newest visit of the Realms to capture the honor of displaying the Site of the Month award is the Elanthian Wandering Journal.
Now in its newest format, the EWJ’s web site lets you enjoy current or past articles with all the convenience of this medium.
In the announcement, the EWJ was heralded as being a "newsletter of interesting content, beautiful artwork, and outstanding layout, but more importantly, the newsletter has been a reliable publication to look forward to every month."
It isn’t easy getting an entire publication out on deadline every month, let alone such a well crafted one. Now you can choose whether you want to read it from the web, or from the file library.
The Wren’s Nest salutes the Elanthian Wandering Journal’s well-earned accolade and wishes many many more volumes of reading material for the whole of our Realms!