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Posted by on 2013 Sep 24 |

ASSASSIN ZHNAI WALKS — New Assassin Zayerg — Prydaen Faire Success

ASSASSIN ZHNAI WALKS — New Assassin Zayerg — Prydaen Faire Success



CANNY AND STEALTHY Elpalzi assassins Tengh and Zhnai were joined by a third assassin today, ZAYERG, who appears just as Hardy and Trained as the former.

New Victims are too Numerous to list. Some include: Ranger Arandrowse of Ilithi, Ariya Mor’Laer, Aevel Vakeho’leyiye, Klurn Odarien of the Theren Guard, Kaelie of the Vela’tohr Militia and the Raven Guard, and Mistanna Redivas of Ilithi. The Assassins also see fit to Rob our Noble Dwarves of their beards, via a Brutal scalping!

HOWEVER, the forces of the Crossing have risen up to fight back against our Despised Foe! Tengh was struck down twice, Zayerg thrice, and Zhnai HAS BEEN SENT TO THE STARRY ROAD! The killing blow belonged to Mazrian Daemondred. The Province rejoices! We are Able to kill them, AND WE SHALL!

After slaying those attacking the City, our fine fighters CHASED THEM INTO THE REACH!

Finally, Elpalzi General Alret was heard on the gweth trading insults with our City’s finest. Ominously, he claimed that he has a “gift” for us, and that we must Wait for it.


The Graimairo family recently set up Camp near quaint Kaerna, offering Wares either produced by Prydaen or styled according to Prydaen culture. Stories of Prydaen ways were told, and traditional Live fare was offered. Merchants Choretalli, Yeyaru, and Turialo appeared to display their Talents. Despite a brief Interlude in which hordes of Undead attacked the peaceful camp, overall the Faire was deemed a success.

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